Thursday, May 21, 2009

Victim or Survivor?

These two words are very interesting and powerful. We ( general public) use the word "victim" very liberally when talking about our situations. The dictionary says the definition of the word victim is:
1. a person who suffers from a destructive or injurious action or agency: a victim of an automobile accident.
The definition pretty much backs up what we call "victims" except that we ( general public) tend to take it a little too far. We are victims of coffee spills, long lines, bee stings and the like. It would be VERY easy to go into the Grossman Burn Center and start saying "victim this" and "victim that" but that word is no where to be found. It was quite refreshing to here the staff talk about their patients as "survivors". The GBC monthly news letter is called "Survivor Newsletter". I like that. Though the burn patients are victims according to Webster, it's an unhealthy way to look at things. Calling someone or referring to yourself as a survivor is a positive way of describing a tough situation. Instead of wallowing in self pity, anger and the like, being survivor makes me think of being thankful that I am alive. It makes me want to get better. It makes me feel stronger. Being a victim feels like wearing a heavy coat on a hot day. (or worse). We will never exactly know why things happen the way they do but we do know what Romans 8:28 says: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him. I'm not saying we will not be without pain in these hard or bad things that happen to us but that somehow God has a bigger plan. A plan we do not understand. A plan that could look cruel or mean in our eyes but we have not the eyes of God. If I don't believe this I am afraid I would fall into the victim category. If I do that it will lead to an angry downward spiral that goes no where.
So,..... all that to say. I am a survivor!
A person who continues to function or prosper in spite of opposition, hardship, or setbacks. (Webster)
I have survived 2 of my 7 days of chin wrap. How nice it is to take it off for showers.
I hope you have a great day, a thankful day, a survivor day!


  1. Call me crazy, but I absolutely LOVED the pix! Thanks Todd so much for posting them. It's really a lesson and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Those pictures are LIVE like you ALIVE and grateful for every minute of it! I am so proud of you. I am so proud of your positive and friendly attitude to the whole thing. Putting back the bandage after having it off must really bite, but I like to say, it is all in the attitude. Every day we are given the chance and the choice to see the good or the bad in EVERY situation. I CHOOSE THE GOOD! Way to go Todd and FAMILY. You are awesome, and I am SO glad you are doing better! PS Hats are so cool, and so you is your hair. You are one of a kind! ABSOLUTELY!

  2. My favorite Todd quote, which I got from Byron who heard it first hand...

    "Even a bad day is a good day because it's a day."

    So good. Thank you.

