Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Todd's Home!

What great news to be home a day early! After the surgery today it became apparent that there was no medical reason to stay in the hospital another night so here we are. Jeff and I brought Todd home around 5:00 today to a very surprised family. We had yet another yummy dinner provided by generous friends and now everyone in the Ridenour clan, plus a few are watching American Idol....hmmmmm?

The results of the surgery earned a "C" grade, but the treatment is as we expected. Dr. Grossman found a very small patch of more dead tissue, nurse Barbara put it "electrical burns are the gift that keeps on giving." He will wear the VAC until monday when he will return to the GBC to see if the VAC has stimulated any tissue growth and to make a plan about what kind of grafting surgery will take place. The expectation is that Todd will have hair over his wound at some point, but the immediate goal is just to get the wound healed to avoid infection. Speaking of infection, he does NOT have a Staff "infection" He has Staff "colonies" present (many of us would if our noses were swabbed...eew) but not an infection and those are very different things.
Though they haven't cultured him in days (and don't plan to unless signs of infection are present visibly) the doctors think that the Staff has probably washed off by now as there was only a very small amount present in one neck wound...I feel better. Todd's fingers will get some attention on Friday; they seem to be about five days behind in the healing process I think because they just weren't noticed at first.

Speaking of FRIDAY, now that we are home we thought it would be fun to have an open house/come say hi to Todd afternoon from 5-7pm. You are all invited! We will have snacks, the volleyball net up, lots of laughs and some happy tears, I'm sure, knowing my sweet husband. How dear all of you are to us...even those we don't really know or haven't seen in years. Your love has overwhelmed our hearts...it's hard to absorb how beautiful these past couple of weeks have been....Todd will share with you later.

Isn't God good to give us each other? Thank you, Lord for being perfect...though we don't always understand we trust you. Nite, Nite Heather

Monday, March 30, 2009

Almost Home

Anyone who knows me knows that is a small wonderment that I am actually posting a blog myself...I know Bonnie is surprised, to say the least. Bonnie, thank you so very much for all your informative postings. Todd and I are both very grateful that you stood in the gap for us while we were both in the hospital so much....and thankfully that is about to change!!!

Todd is scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning to take a look at the healing work that the "vac" has done, retest for staff in the wound to the head and set up a new portable vac for the rest of the time he will need it at home. tonight on the phone Todd assured me that he will check out of GBC on Wednesday! The staff is always so impressed with the rate that his skin heals. Another provisional gift. I know Todd will miss the wonderful nurses and doctors that have taken such excellent care of him at Grossman Burn Center. He has been very happy there and has been the recipient of a lot of compassionate care. In a way it will be hard for him to say goodbye, but we can't wait to welcome him home! So thankful, Heather

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Prayer request from Todd

You all probably know that being in a burn unit would make you count your blessings. Todd is asking that we all pray for a woman in the unit with him. We can't know her real name, but let's call her "Hope." She was set on fire by someone (don't know the circumstances), and has been in the unit now for two months. Todd's heart is heavy for her, as she is very critically burned, and very low and depressed. She has been unable to see her two small children. Can we please join Todd in praying for Hope, that she would know true hope in Jesus, and be comforted and healed?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bandages off!!

This may look painful to us, but Todd is making great progress!

The world seems a smaller place when so many people, in so many places, are praying for the same thing. Thank you Lord!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Doesn't he look good?

Friday, and all is well, considering...

Todd is now 2 days into wearing his wound vac (which doesn't really show in this picture), but Heather says it looks like a "yamulke with a tail." This vacuum thingamajig increases his circulation so that his graftings will work well. In addition to that, he is spending two sessions per day (over an hour each) in a hyperbaric chamber. These are the same chambers used for divers when they experience the bends. (We need to get a more science-based blogger on here because I have no clue how they work or what they do.) Somehow, by putting Todd at the (pressure) equivalent of 330 feet under the ocean, it promotes burn healing. You can google it for more information if you're curious...

Here are some specific ways you can pray:

-Todd has a staff infection on his head. This isn't good, but the doctors don't seemed to be too worried about it yet. Pray that it resolves quickly.
-He is having trouble walking, and needs assistance. Todd & Heather have met with a neurologist, and he believes that this is a result of brain injury, but seemed optimistic that this also will resolve over time.
-Todd's next surgery is Tuesday and, if all goes well, he get be be able to come home on Thursday, and will then commute for further surgeries to the Grossman Burn Center.

Heather has reiterated that they have so appreciated the outpouring of love from everyone. She said that the doctors continue to be amazed that Todd is alive -- that he is an exceptional and miraculous case! She said the medical care that Todd is receiving is superb and that, given the stories of the patients around them at the burn unit, they truly have an "embarrassment of riches."

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Family Photo, Hawaii, summer of '08

The Details...

There is nothing but good news today! As said in the previous post, the surgery was more than successful. The surgeons went in not knowing what they would find. Taking 13,200 volts to the head is bound to leave things pretty bad (duh). What they found is that --miraculously-- Todd had a thin layer of tissue left over his skull. This means that the grafting procedure is more likely to take. The doctors are amazed and relieved. Today's surgery (and here is where I'm a little sketchy on the details) involved placing a "vac" on Todd's head. I'm not even going to try and communicate this one, except to say that it will help circulation and drainage from the surgical site. He will have to remain in his room as long as he has this on his head. Right now, the schedule is to remove it next Tuesday when he has his second surgery.

Other good news: No more burn "washings" until Friday.
Pain meds are more dialed in.
A nutritionist who specializes in helping cancer patients has helped Todd, and
he is now eating.

The most amazing news of all: Any time someone is electrocuted, there is an entrance wound and an exit wound, showing how the electrical current ran its course. Todd's doctors have been perplexed about how someone could take this much electricity and not have heart failure, lung damage, brain swelling, etc., etc. They have also been mystified by the fact that Todd has an entrance wound (his head), but no apparent "exit." In surgery they got to examine him closely and they found no exit anywhere. So... this is their conclusion: They believe that the electrical current ricocheted off of Todd's skull onto the skilsaw (which was utterly demolished), and that Todd's other burns are "flash burns" sustained from the heat of the skilsaw blowing up!

Is that the most breathtakingly, incredible thing or what?? We can end our day today with a LOT of thankfulness!


There will probably be two posts today, so watch for a more detailed one later but, for now we can all celebrate that Todd's surgery went REALLY well! It was 1/2 hour shorter than the surgeons anticipated, and they were very encouraged by what they found. I will fill in details later. Because so many have been praying this morning, I just wanted to let you all know so you could take a moment to praise God from whom all blessings flow!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good news, and "maybe not so good" news...

No more scrubs for Todd! The news came in yesterday that the awful twice-daily burn scouring will be replaced by "one gentle wash." Even that can feel bad on a burn, but this is great and welcome news. More good news is that the doctors feel that the only areas requiring skin grafts will be his head and, possibly, the bridge of his nose. This is also incredibly great news. We prayed that all of those chest, shoulder and arm burns would heal without surgery, and it's looking good.
So... the harder news is that the 4th degree burn on Todd's head is going to be a difficult challenge. The doctor says that electrocution burns are "complicated" in this area and pose some problems. His first grafting surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning (Wed.). This will likely be the first of several surgeries.
Please pray specifically for:
-no infection, especially in the bones. The burn (size of large egg) goes down to Todd's skull;
-skill for the doctors, and peace for Todd and the entire Ridenour family

Again, if you would like to help, Heather is suggesting that the best way to help her, would be to help Jeff & Lori, specifically with a meal. If you would like to make a meal for the extended Ridenour clan (10), please contact Jill Baker, ajbaker@verizon.net.
Thank you all for being a loving and praying family! Todd & Heather have been overwhelmed by the love they have received from all of you, and are thankful most of all for the committed prayers!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, 3/23

Today Todd made the journey from UCSD Medical Center to the Sherman Oaks Burn Center -- and he got to make the trip in the car!
He was evaluated by the medical staff there and they are pleased with the fact that the 3rd degree burns on his chest, shoulders and arms are healing nicely. This is great news.
The twice daily scrubbings continue to be horribly difficult -- barely helped by the morphine which then makes Todd feel very nauseous and out of it.

Please pray for peace for Todd. The "anticipated suffering" involved in recovery from burns is intense -- knowing that every day you will undergo torture in order to heal-- it can overwhelm. Psalm 91 is a great prayer to pray for Todd right now!

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Update from Todd

"Thank you all for your prayers. Thank you all for your love. Todd's tip for
the day..don't touch high voltage wires it can ruin your day. Many thanks to
Westmont staff, and team...you guys rock. See you at Potters Clay next year.
We will fill you in on the hole in my head as soon as I know something.
Heather and I both have had a lot of tears of love and thank fullness for
all our family and friends. Love to you all."

Latest on Todd's Recovery (from Bonnie)

Todd will be moved to the Grossman Burn Center in Sherman Oaks tomorrow, where he will apparently be treated by Dr. Grossman himself. Although he is in excellent hands medically speaking, the road from here will become increasingly difficult for Todd, as his pain will increase (and has already increased), so your prayers are so appreciated at this time. Electrocution burns show themselves in stages, so many of the burns Todd sustained on his shoulders and arms which were originally thought to be 1st and 2nd degree, are now upgraded to 3rd degree. Here is how you can pray specifically:

-Please pray that these arm & shoulder burns would heal themselves, and not require skin grafting;
-Again, the ongoing prayer for protection from infection;
-Twice daily Todd is having to have his burns literally scrubbed to remove dead skin. This is an excruciating ordeal, and Todd's anxiety in anticipation of it has grown. Please pray for God's peace to blanket him;
-Pray that he would be able to keep medications down. This has been an issue -- pain medications can be nauseating, but he really needs them.

Many have asked how they can help. Right now, prayer is the most real and tangible help they are asking for. However, Jeff & Lori are watching over Gracie, Cade & Avery, so... maybe a meal for the extended Ridenour clan would be a blessing to them.

Heather is asking that if anyone plans to visit, please check in with her first. (She has mentioned that if anyone comes, it would be nice to bring Todd a peanut butter chocolate Blenders with protein powder -- it's the only thing that Todd has been able to keep down and protein helps his healing!)