Sunday, March 29, 2009

Prayer request from Todd

You all probably know that being in a burn unit would make you count your blessings. Todd is asking that we all pray for a woman in the unit with him. We can't know her real name, but let's call her "Hope." She was set on fire by someone (don't know the circumstances), and has been in the unit now for two months. Todd's heart is heavy for her, as she is very critically burned, and very low and depressed. She has been unable to see her two small children. Can we please join Todd in praying for Hope, that she would know true hope in Jesus, and be comforted and healed?


  1. Todd, super glad to see the healing and answered prayers for you man. I got word last week from Rob Louks about the incident. Standing with you (and tonight, "Hope,") in prayer.

    Trent Adams

  2. Hey bro, so glad you are on the mend. We are praying for you down here. And praying for Hope too. May she find hope in the great Giver of Hope. So hang in there man. Cheering you on from afar, Merrill

  3. i dont know you but i went to school with gail , i pray for your full recovery ,
    the lord intended for you to do good things for people thats why your with us today
    i pray for "hope" as well i will continue to watch your progress

    god bless
    miles roemer

  4. Yes, we will join you in prayer for Hope.

    Sending love.

    Byron and lisa

  5. Todd and Heather....
    Not a day or moment goes by that you are not prayed for from all who love you and those that just hear about this! Todd I bet you thought you were a special guy before....but this is on a whole new level of 'special' You are the miracle man and we are thankful for your progress. You are in our hearts!

  6. My daily prayers go to Todd and his new friend Hope. For some reason I think God sent Todd to help Hope through her difficult time. So sorry for her. Nobody should have to live through that. God bless her! In the week or so since the accident I have come back to this blog many times and love how quickly Todd is getting better. I know that it is going to take a LONG time to readjust to this whole incident but reading these posts I know you guys are going to be ok. I just have to laugh because I had recently asked Todd for an updated picture and now I have lots! Todd, you are looking great and your wife and children are so cute. You've done well for yourself. Keep smiling. Todd The Miracle Man!

    Julie Angelos Lama
